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Early Saxon Armoured Warriors

36 x Early Saxon Armoured Warriors.

We are so pleased to announce the release of our long awaited 28mm hard plastic, Early Saxon armoured warriors set.

These figures represent the Upper class Early Saxons, Jutes, Angles and Danes (all grouped together under the title Saxon) that invaded Britain (or possibly this was more of a migration?) during the 4th to 6th centuries.

There is a real mix of head options and various helmet styles.

Fur cloak options have been added for some extra character. Weapons include swords, spears, javelins, hand axes and some Angons with the metal socketed spearheads.

As well as fighting the Late Romans, they were also hired by the Romans fighting as mercenaries.They fought the Romano British for dominance of Britain for hundreds of years, forcing the original inhabitants of Britain West and North.

Early Saxons tended to use a smaller round shield for parrying and punching with. They would deliver a charge, hurling javelins as they ran towards the enemy and closed with spear, sword, axe or Seax. Shield wall tactics started to come in later. We have included small bucklers but also larger round shields so customers can field whichever style they prefer.

These figures can easily be used as other Dark age Germanic warriors and even be mixed with later Saxons and Vikings. Figures from the Late Romans sets would not look out of place alongside these in a warband. All adding massive amounts of variety to our ever expanding Dark age range.

What you get:

36 x armoured warrior bodies

36 x small round bucklers (9mm in diameter)

36 x larger round shields, half flat and half slightly domed (14mm in diameter)

84 x helmeted heads

An assortment of sword, axe, javelin and spear arms

Customer Reviews

Based on 43 reviews

I am from Italy and this is the first miniature set I am painting. It‘s great to start and brings a lot of joy.

Dustin Brossard
Early Saxon

I liked the early details this set has to offer such as the Sutton Hoo helmet and Valsgarde helmets. Excellent options for historical accuracy if you’re wanting a certain era or location represented. And a wide variety of options spanning a few hundred years so you can really make a specific type of army if you wanted, or keep it mixed and generic. Love this set.

Troy Watts

Great sculpts, lots of variety, high quality

chris galbreath

I ordered three of the unarmored and two of the armored kits and I'm in love.All of my collections are huge and Victrix allows me to create historical realism without having any duplicates in my collections....no duplicates! By the way guys I'm still pushing for some Picts and Irish raiders after all this time period allows for five or six different factions vying for control of England.Keep it coming.

Zurab Sharashidze
TOP Miniatures

THE best figurines I've ever encountered in my life and I've seen a lot from different companies. I knew from the get go that Victrix would not disappoint. big love to you guys.
