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Flancos de infantería peninsular británica empresas

Miniaturas napoleónicas de plástico duro de 28 mm.

Conjunto de infantería de 52 figuras con las alas de Shako y de los hombros Shoko. El conjunto incluye cifras de comando para oficiales, portadores estándar, de NCO, bateristas, 4 banderas y reglas de juego rápido.

Customer Reviews

Based on 7 reviews
Stephen Mason

British Peninsular Infantry Flank Companies


Great British miniatures

William Still
Generally good

The models are generally good. The bayonets are very fragile and the officer swords were all snapped on the frame .

terry kelly

I have had the BPI f/c before they are quality figures with quality service . Thank you .

Adam Preston
Victrix Britilsh Napoleonics

Generally excellent figures. Wonderfully characterful with plenty of different heads and poses. However there are some downs. The biggest being the left hands being on the wepons, it is much better if they are where they should be, on the left arm. Putting them on the wepon is not only awkward it makes it harder for the modeller to change the figures pose or modify the figure to their personal preferences. The other major complaint is the officers arms and weapon choices, there are only weapons for their right hand, even the pistol hand is right, so if you want the officer to have both a sabre and a pistol that is impossible unless you have the French pack were you can find a left hand pistol. It may be better to either put a left hand pistol in the pack or a left hand sabre.

Otherwise I really like Victrix figures, so much more choice of pose and bits and so characterful while being reletively easy to assemble.
