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Victrix devient médiéval

Nouveaux commencements

Nous sommes très heureux d'annoncer que Victrrix commence une nouvelle gamme médiévale, couvrant la période du XIIe au 13ème siècle. Nous avons l'intention de couvrir les armées des croisades, à la fois occidentales et islamiques, suivies par l'Europe féodale, y compris l'Espagne et les guerres de la Reconquista.

Tout au long de ce billet de blog, nous vous montrerons certains des premiers rendus de cette nouvelle gamme, y compris les rendus d'un chevalier chrétien avec diverses options de casque et d'armes, et une sélection de soldats islamiques. Cela comprendra également un très bref aperçu du monde médiéval pour le moment, nous espérons que vous apprécierez!


La période médiévale élevée

La période entre les 12ème à 13ème Des siècles fait partie du moyen moyen plus large qui a duré de 1000 à 1300 après JC. Cette époque était remarquable pour d'énormes progrès dans diverses technologies, alors que la population estimée de l'Europe a explosé pendant cette période, passant de 35 à 80 millions entre 1000 et 1347. Une grande partie peut être liée à la Renaissance des 12 ansème Century, une période de changement qui comprenait des transformations sociales, politiques et économiques associées à une revitalisation intellectuelle de l'Europe occidentale à de fortes racines philosophiques et scientifiques. Cela peut être largement considéré comme un âge d'or au cours de la période médiévale.

Le développement de châteaux et de cathédrales a fait avancer la technologie des bâtiments, ce qui a permis la construction de vastes structures en pierre en particulier la complexité croissante des forteresses en pierre a développé l'art de l'artisanat de siège qui, à son tour, a influencé les tactiques et technologies militaires de l'époque. L'infanterie a développé des rôles spécialisés, par exemple la réintroduction de pikemen dans les armées européennes remplissant un rôle anti-condurmie, ou l'utilisation d'arbalètes, de sapeurs ou d'ingénieurs, tous vitaux pour les sieges. L'utilisation croissante des arbalètes au cours des XIIe et XIIe siècles a conduit à l'utilisation de casques à visage fermé, de galets de corps lourds, ainsi que d'armure de cheval, transformant essentiellement le chevalier monté en «réservoir» de la période médiévale.

Chevaliers montés

Les premiers décors sur travail sont quelques chevaliers de la fin du 12e au milieu du 13e siècle portant des surcoats et des chevaux à bardeaux. Barding a commencé à être utilisé vers la fin du XIIe siècle en Europe, mais a commencé à être utilisé plus tôt par les chevaliers occidentaux dans les États du croisé en raison des influences des Byzantins et de la cavalerie musulmane. Cela a ajouté une grande protection pour les chevaux contre les grêles de flèches turques.


Il y aura un bon mélange de styles de casque dans l'ensemble englobant le changement du casque conique classique de style normand au casque complet du baril qui est venu vers 1230. tête qui a commencé à apparaître vers 1200.


Pour cet ensemble particulier, nous n'avons pas inclus de cuisses qui ont été matelassées sur les cuisses qui ont commencé à apparaître autour de 1220, car cela limiterait les chevaliers pour une utilisation antérieure. Ils peuvent être couverts dans des ensembles ultérieurs.


Cet ensemble de chevaliers fonctionnera de la 3e à la 7e croisade, mais en poussant également la bataille de Hattin 1187. Ils peuvent être utilisés comme chevaliers standard non affiliés aux ordres militaires, mais aussi comme des templiers, des hospitaliers, des chevaliers teutoniques et d'autres ordres militaires.

Infanterie musulmane

Nous avons également commencé sur les forces islamiques. Tout d'abord être l'infanterie musulmane avec des lances et des épées qui représenteront les pieds soldats des califats du 11e au XIIIe au XIIIe siècle et des califats de l'ayubide ainsi que de la milice de la ville syrienne, des Andaloussiens en Espagne et peuvent être utilisés plus loin au 7e et au 8ème siècle en tant que pièce des grandes conquêtes islamiques de ces siècles. Les archers de pied seront un ensemble séparé.


Avec cet ensemble, nous sommes gong pour une énorme quantité de variation de la tête et de visages de caractère avec des poses d'attaque et d'avance dynamiques. Certaines figures blindées seront sur le cadre de commande et dans un ensemble blindé de suivi.

Ce que l'avenir contient

Bien que ce soit le début d'une nouvelle gamme, nous, chez Victrix, avons l'intention de couvrir les principales factions de la période et nous espérons créer l'opportunité pour les collectionneurs d'avoir le choix des armées adverses dans les différents sphères de conflit tout au long de cette période. 

Les croisades seront évidemment concentrées sur, avec l'intention de publier des décors pour les armées chrétiennes et musulmanes, comme indiqué ci-dessus. De plus, cela liera bien à nos intentions d'inclure des sorties pour les forces d'Al-Andalus et des Royaumes chrétiens du Nord d'Espagne; Une période extrêmement intéressante d'histoire médiévale musulmane et chrétienne.

L'Europe féodale sera également explorée, nous espérons peut-être explorer les factions de l'empire d'Angevin, de la France et du Saint-Empire romain romain, qui étaient dans des États de guerre constante tout au long de cette période.

Nous publierons également une portée byzantine pour cette période, celles-ci peuvent être utilisées contre des factions chrétiennes ou musulmanes telles que leurs ennemis italiens qui ont limogé la ville de Constantinople pendant la quatrième croisade, établissant l'Empire latin.

C'est une période vraiment excitante pour Victrix et nos clients, bien que ce soit tôt le développement, nous avons hâte de voir ce qui en vient et espérons que vous vous joignez à nous pour la balade, gardez les yeux ouverts pour les mises à jour à l'avenir!

72 Réponses



août 21, 2024

Any chance of some Pagan Lithuanians?



août 11, 2024

As interesting as this post is, and despite how very good these first renders are this post is 13 months old and no-one has been able to give me a release date. There are manufacturers of saracens and they will be my next army but one. Please advise the release date.



juillet 29, 2024

Release dates?



mars 14, 2024

This is awesome news. Any intentions on moving into later medieval/early modern?

M. Thomas E. Nolan

M. Thomas E. Nolan

mars 10, 2024

Looking forward to the new Medieval range. The few sculps that are posted look fantastic.



mars 01, 2024

Range looks terrific……..need Moslem mounted archers and impact!

Graham Brown

Graham Brown

janvier 30, 2024

I am really excited about you going into the medieval period.
I have been painting the early Crusaders using your excellent norman figures.
Will you be sculpting Saracen cavalry as this is important to the period.
The future looks good keep up the excellent work.



janvier 18, 2024

will there be Islamic cavalry in the future?

Alberto Di Santo

Alberto Di Santo

décembre 26, 2023

Urrah! After 50 years of normans and anglosaxons ranges, after a 1.000.000 battles of Hastings played, we can play to recreat epical battles like Montaperti, Campaldino, Legnano, Cortenuova, Tagliacozzo, and many many others. Players from Italy, France and Germany: the time for redemption has come!!
Thank you Victrix!!!



décembre 24, 2023

They look fantastic! So excited for this new line guys. Happy Holidays and New Year to everyone. Cheers!



décembre 06, 2023

I would love to see Byzantine and Latin Empire we definitely need more “Hellenic” oriented medieval sets, It would be so awesome to see things like Varangian Guad or Cathapracts!

Chris Cooper

Chris Cooper

novembre 26, 2023

Ohhhhh exciting I can’t wait for these to be released!!!!!



novembre 12, 2023

Anything you bring out that is from Byzantium I will buy.

Matt Fletcher

Matt Fletcher

novembre 08, 2023

Still really excited about this! Do we know when they might be released?

John Richards

John Richards

octobre 31, 2023

Sculpting, proportioning and posing of the figures is outstanding. However, your medieval range will suffer greatly if you don’t get the mail armour right. Your figures seem to be covered in 40mm disc armour, whereas true mail is very fine. I’ve seen digital resin figures from other manufacturers that have made exactly the same error. Beautiful, realistic mail, but much too big. Scan the real thing, optimise it for 28mm and add it as a surface.



octobre 01, 2023

Great news! Victrix is with a huge difference my favorite manufacturer for plastic miniatures. I have a 15mm collection of medieval figures but with this news I thing I am gonna start a 28mm one

Roman Moiseev

Roman Moiseev

septembre 30, 2023

Lovely news, was waiting for Medieval minis from the Victrix since I discovered your Dark Age sets!

Would be amazing to see sets depicting Kievan Rus/Novgorod and the Mongol Horde forces :)

Simon Metcalfe

Simon Metcalfe

septembre 25, 2023

I’m sure you will have plenty of offers but I’m part of 2 Reenactment Society and can provide good quality photos of kit Impressions and the manuscripts they are based on for reference if you would like.

Christopher Brunt

Christopher Brunt

septembre 18, 2023

Liking the look of these. Especially as I’ve been thinking of building armies for Al-Andalus and the Northern Christian Kingdoms of Spain.



septembre 16, 2023

Looking forward to these! Would love to eventually see y’all do 15th century kits as well. Hopefully cover some of the more obscure groups that most manufacturers ignore, especially Turkic nomads like the Kipchaks or Cumans.

Inigo Carmona

Inigo Carmona

septembre 14, 2023

Can’t wait for the release of the Al-Andalus, Northern Christians and Bizantine factions!



août 30, 2023

super excited love seeing the great helms. hopefully medieval russians please

Jeremy Sutcliffe

Jeremy Sutcliffe

août 10, 2023

Very much looking forward to these.

William Rodgers

William Rodgers

août 08, 2023

Would love to see some models specific to or suitable for the Italian Communal Wars.

Dice Assault

Dice Assault

juillet 26, 2023

Great news! Perhaps an option with interchangeable heads & shields getting knights into the 14th century? (Early Hundred Years War, e.g. 1346 @ Crecy)

Clovis mas

Clovis mas

juillet 24, 2023

merci a vous .

Burnin’ Coal

Burnin’ Coal

juillet 15, 2023

Take my money already ! These look absolutely fantastic !…is there any rough time frame for when they will be released ?

Manuel Joyanes

Manuel Joyanes

juillet 12, 2023

Relative to my last post, there is some información:

Matthew Williamson

Matthew Williamson

juillet 11, 2023

If I may, I agree with a number of points raised about the mail.

My first point. In this period the mail extended into mittens, not separate as you have modeled.

The sword hilt and pommel have been pointed out already as has the height of the pommel and cantle of the saddle, the other point are the stirrups and leathers. The leathers need to ride further up the leg the strips are more pointed at the top also.

The Quillon dagger is over decorated in my opinion.

All the best and it need images or references please let me know.

French Wargame Holidays



juillet 09, 2023

Exciting news and a great project, as always.
I only suggest to pay more attention to the swords.
In the pictures of the mounted knight the sword seems to be a little bit shorter.
The pommel is too small compared to the rider’s hand and in any case its shape is too late for the period you are considering. It would be better to use disc and brazil nut-shaped pommels.
I cannot understand what the small circle on the hilt represents: from what source did you get your inspiration?
The double fuller is very rare…why did you choose this shape for the first prototype? :D
But these are subtleties.
I also agree with Rob Hutton: loads of head options will be needed to represent specific periods.
I look forward to seeing the next previews.

Manuel Joyanes

Manuel Joyanes

juillet 09, 2023

I highly recommends you, regarding to the Christian Medieval infantry, to design miniatures based on the Almughavars. This type of soldiers starred lots of the most epic battles against Muslim armies.

Stephen Bennett

Stephen Bennett

juillet 09, 2023

Great to see you moving into this era. A few suggestions, if I may, as I specialise in this period.

Mail mittens (mufflers) should ideally be integrated into the hauberk with a wrist strap akin the one one beneath the knee (nice touch).

The mail is a little “industrial” – are you able to reduce the size of the rings and, perhaps, remove the leather edging from the skirts?

The extension of the horse’s heads suggests that they are in considerable distress and, if possible, could be with a little adjustment.

The caparisons look great, especially with the tails underneath, and weapon size is realistic.

Feel free to drop me a line.



juillet 09, 2023

Really excited about new medieval range the modeling is really good

John Rohde

John Rohde

juillet 08, 2023

It’s good to see that, unlike so many other manufacturers, Victrix have got the caparison right; no tail-hole :)



juillet 08, 2023

Very cool to see! The Middle Ages have been one of great interest to me with regards to miniatures but one that I have yet to buy into en masse, I think in part due to my disinterest in most of what’s available in the plastic market (the Perrys make some fine ones, of course, which I do own). I’m now happy to have waited. I have some of your Normans that I plan on turning into a small army and I was very pleased with the sculpts, so Medieval period models from you guys? Sign me up! Definitely looking forward to it.



juillet 08, 2023

Great news! I’m now just glad that I didn’t buy any other manifacture ;) I’d love to see more central and eastern european miniatures. Kievan Rus, Teutonic order, The Polish and Lithuanians.



juillet 08, 2023

Very nice. I hope there will also be figures for the Baltic Crusades (Pruzzian, Livonians, Estonians and Lithuanians).



juillet 08, 2023

Brilliant news. What’s the release schedule and model coverage going to look like? Thank you.

Rob Hutton

Rob Hutton

juillet 08, 2023

Well talk about timing, I have been searching around for figures for this period. The only thing I would say is please please please make sure there are loads of head options because helmet styles changed considerably over this period for example barrel and sugarloaf helms whilst they look cool were very much towards the end of the period and so if depicting early part you don’t want to be using these. And likewise later you want more of these. Also Spanish and Portuguese had a few distinctive helmet styles so enough of these to do reconquista period would be awesome.

Will there be dismounted figures for the crusaders and Europeans? And mounted islamic forces in time?

Chris K

Chris K

juillet 08, 2023

I hate to say it but I’m not terribly impressed with these. Various Victrix lines are pretty good (and I have many). As far medieval minis go, although belonging to a later period, Perry is #1. Even they aren’t perfect, but are the most realistic in pose and form. These look goinky. The 54mm knights coming from Russia and Ukraine are very realistic, but they are just depictions of knights posing with their weapons rather then swinging their sword/mace/axe.

Mike from Omaha

Mike from Omaha

juillet 08, 2023

These look great and are welcome addition to an Era that is I’ll served. There simply is not much out there other than 3D Prunted, which have wonderful detail, but the price per figure for Crusades has doubled over the last six months.
Like everyone else, I want to know when they’ll be available.
But more importantly for me…will they be available in 54mm scale (1/32) as well as 28mm?
This Era in 1/32 scale is really undeserved!
Great news!
Waiting with trepidation.

Kevin Chappell

Kevin Chappell

juillet 08, 2023

I just painted two medieval European armies 1190-1310 this winter 200+knights on horseback and 400+ infantry, some resin, metal and plastic. I’m always looking for new figures, poses for the Third Crusade period. These figures are a dream come true! How long before I can get my hands on these beauties?

Joseph Gepfert

Joseph Gepfert

juillet 07, 2023

I like the chance to do the Fatamids with their distinctive headdress.

Rick Pate

Rick Pate

juillet 07, 2023

These look fantastic! You continue to produce the best of the best! OutF——ing Standing!!!

Marko fozzario

Marko fozzario

juillet 07, 2023

Scottish schiltron in hard plastic would be amazing too… Nobody does them!! Would fit in really well with belters.

Tony Lavelle

Tony Lavelle

juillet 07, 2023

Beautiful sculps, I love those mounted knights. I usually collect and game ancients but I will have to get some of those.

Caleb Gutshall

Caleb Gutshall

juillet 07, 2023

This is wonderful, I have been hoping for such a range after becoming obsessed with your Ancients and Dark Age sets.

Charles Li

Charles Li

juillet 07, 2023

Excellent! With a sleight change to the shields and addition of scimitars, these could be used right up to the 17th-18th Centuries as Ottoman irregulars, North African Mamluk infantry, even Corsairs.

Valter Brugè

Valter Brugè

juillet 07, 2023

WOW GREAT NOTICE……………….I wait for them…….thanks for all your superb miniatures.



juillet 07, 2023

I Just painted and completed a Whole Crusader army and Saladdin’s Egyptian Army. Now I wish I hadn’t.

Isaac C

Isaac C

juillet 07, 2023

I was literally on your website looking to see if you sold 13th century knights last night and was disappointed to find that you did not. Just a few hours early, it seems! Awesome news :)

Austrian Guy

Austrian Guy

juillet 07, 2023

Bro, now the real challange will not be assebling and painting the minis, neither will it be deciding what to buy… it will be the wait for these astounding sculpts! Why don’t you just announce them when they are about to be released? Why Victrix??? But keep working, i’ll be spending all of my money on these!

Ian Wilson

Ian Wilson

juillet 07, 2023

Thank you for this project, especially the head variants that allows you to create figures for the 1173 Great revolt against Henry II. A project that has been on my to do list for a couple of years. Will it be possible to mix the miniatures with the Norman range, to create the armies of the Anarchy?
Twelfth century Byzantines and hopefully Armenians would be a great addition. Also any chance of some Flemish mercenaries?
Overall the twelfth century is badly served in my opinion. Most miniatures either feature the classic Norman helmet and then jump to the great helm.
I want go into with mailed mits or not.

Stephen Bedford

Stephen Bedford

juillet 07, 2023

Superb, These look so much better than what is already out there, well done Victrix,can’t wait .

Clif castle

Clif castle

juillet 07, 2023

I am with the others here
Great news!
When can I get started?

Richard Nicholls

Richard Nicholls

juillet 07, 2023

Why Victrix, just why? Why do you always have to do this? Just as I feel I have enough , you go and release more superior plastics! 😬😝🤣
Means I either have to increase the size of my force yet again!
Excellent looking as always. Keep it up!

Christopher Brunt

Christopher Brunt

juillet 07, 2023

Some really great sculpts. I think I know what I shall be hinting at to the relatives for Christmas. Just got to clear my painting backlog ready for some of these :-)

Rob Shackleton

Rob Shackleton

juillet 07, 2023

Looking good so far. Please please do not make Teutonic Knights with fancy headresses,. If you insist on getting this wrong at least make these silly bits separately from the helmets so that people can make the choice.

Jon Coulston

Jon Coulston

juillet 07, 2023

That is good news. Other plastic companies have made 12-13th c. figures, but your new ranges look energetic without being too flamboyant or cartoonic in pose. The lance carried by knights was not as long as in later periods, so in the images the lances are just right. As long as you do not add small items of plate armour, particularly to knees, these feudal cavalry are just right for Second Crusade onwards, sack of Constantinople and the successor Frankish states of Greece and the Latin Empire, Albigensian crusades, wars of Barbarossa in Italy, Angevin wars of Henry II and sons, French invasion of England 1215-17 etc. REALLY versatile! A set of contemporary western civilians for camps, marches, sieges, dioramas would also be very handy, as would petriers and crews.



juillet 07, 2023

Great news. Crusaders and Saracens there are many on the market. Also Byzantine. I join Alexander in proposing to produce Kievan Rus and Teutonic Knights

Des Hutch

Des Hutch

juillet 07, 2023

Would love to see Kievan Russ and Novgorod also covered .

Michael Hickling

Michael Hickling

juillet 07, 2023

A fascinating period of English history. Very much
interested in the Anarchy and the Barons wars. Not the slightest bit interested in the crusades.
But the rise of the Plantagenets and all of the intrigue that entailed in England, and what was to become France fascinates me.
Perhaps at some stage a foray into the Scottish and Welsh wars. Another forgotten period by the manufacturer is the 1300’s with the battles of Crecy and Poitiers.
The pictures are stunning, and will definitely be on by buy list.
By the way thanks for the Pak40 and Lloyd carriers which arrived today Superb, as usual.
As a former figure manufacturer I think I can safely day that Victrix are THE BEST on the market.



juillet 07, 2023

I really hope to see the Warriors of Kievan Rus or Novgorod in a confrontation with the Teutonic Order.

Johan Delannoie

Johan Delannoie

juillet 07, 2023

YES, YES and YES. I’ve been telling my friends for more than a year now. Wait until Victrix goes medieval! Now it’s here.
I have more than I need from various manufacturers. But clearly not enough. That’s great news, Victrix. WELL DONE.

Neville Carre

Neville Carre

juillet 07, 2023

Thankyou Victrix this is exciting news, I can’t wait to get my hands on them.

Wm Lotz

Wm Lotz

juillet 07, 2023

Drooling……but could we dump the puddle bases?… I ABSOLUTELY LOVE Victrix minis….just by removing those, it would help tremendously with basing……
Middle ages?? You Print ‘em….I’ll pick them up!!



juillet 07, 2023

So excited for this! Will there be plans for 12mm scale also?

Barbarian Borelord

Barbarian Borelord

juillet 07, 2023

Oh dang it! Just when I have finished Crusader and Saracan armies Victrix is gonna release miniatures that will undoubtedly be of better quality…



juillet 07, 2023

Shrink all these down to 12mm like your WW2’s and you’ve got a deal.



juillet 07, 2023

Sarà molto interessante, speriamo solo non ci vogliano anni prima di vedere le prime stampe.



juillet 07, 2023

They of great interest

Charles Brown

Charles Brown

juillet 07, 2023

Fantastic news! Bring it on!

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